"I can live for two months on a good compliment..."
"I can live for two months on a good compliment..."
-Mark Twain
I think this is the second time I've quoted Mark Twain on my blog! But, he has so many great ones! I don't have to convince anyone why compliments are so good for your soul. The BEST KIND come out of the blue...like this private message a friend sent me today.
I reached out to her to ask what brand/style her adorable glasses are, because it is time that I finally go to the eye doctor. I am tired of the panic I endure when we go to a new restaurant and I have to ask Ben to read me the menu. I'm sure he's tired of it too! Or seeing the concerned look on Ben's face when I drove to the haunted house last Saturday and I asked him if I passed a stop sign (there was no stop sign...or any sign at all! LOL).
This kind of compliment just makes my heart swoon! It completely made my day and I had to share it here.
Life is good. :)