💍 | WIFEY.
Rambling aWay
And I guess here’s the part where I explain what the content will be…*NERVES*
Who here hasn’t started a baby book? 🙋🏼♀️ I keep telling myself I’ll get to it when I have time (cue big breathy laugh here). I’ve got two pages: the first lists her weight/height information (which I frequently forget…Is it possible to have #secondchildsyndrome when you’re still on your first?) And the second page is the first picture Ben took of Waylin when she was just minutes old…incidentally, my boob somehow made it into the picture that he sent out to family and friends, but that’s another story. 😳
Truthfully, one of my favorite “old lady” hobbies is scrapbooking, but I just could not get past how impersonal it felt to glue a picture to a piece of paper and call it a memory. The feelings I felt within that photograph would stay in my heart unsaid. I wanted to create something more intrinsic, alive, and intimate for my daughter than a book of pictures and stickers. And actually, I started this process about four years ago when I bought a dot com! I created a website/blog after Ben proposed to me as a way to track all of our adventures.
StolenbyaBohlen.com is a live memoir that really shows how our lives are being lived in the moment. It details all of those transitions we go through: dating, marriage, parenting, a casual Sunday morning pancake date, etc. It is all of the things I don’t want to forget when we’re older, especially when time has pushed out some of our memories to make room for the new ones...and the sad reality that Alzheimer’s and dementia can play within our families...
My plan is to publish this blog into a book for Waylin to read, or throw on her coffee table one day.
How cool is it to know who your parents were before they *became* parents? To know them from their stories like the night they learned how to do magic tricks off of YouTube after drinking a little too much (Ben severely burned his thumb!). Or how they felt when they found out they were having you! To capture the wonder your parents breathed when we wondered what kind of person you would be and how those ideas changed as you got older. Cool, right?!
One of the saddest things I hold in my heart is thinking about the days when I won’t be around when Way needs me. (don’t cry, don’t cry, don’t cry...😢) I never want to live in a world where she doesn’t remember my voice, my endearment, or how she was raised to be herself. Unfortunately, just as babies “don’t keep”, neither do parents.
If you’re still with me, this podcast is a combination of all my thoughts above. It’s everything I want my daughter to hear about herself when I’m not around to tell her I’m proud of her, that she’s a beautiful soul, and that everything will be ok. ❤️ To find things in her past that help explain her future would be the greatest gift I could give her after I’m gone.
This podcast wouldn’t be me if it wasn’t 90% comedy, 5% serious, and 5% rambling. So, there it is, folks! Rambling aWay will be hitting the air waves in 2019!
Will you give me a listen? 🙏