I read somewhere that the most sincere compliment we can pay is attention. This is a good lesson in so many aspects of our lives. Everyone always tells you that communication is key to keeping your relationships healthy, but I actually think a larger component is the art of paying attention. Where we direct our attention has the power to make us happy or miserable. The things we pay attention too ARE our experiences being lived out; our attention is life itself, really.
In my opinion, the most energizing compliment to me is someone telling me I’m a good mom. Even moreso if it is from a stranger who doesn’t really know me. Reason being, these strangers are paying attention to something I’m doing that just feels commonplace to me. And this act motivated them to smile at me and tell me I’m doing a good job.
Cue this sweet older lady at Meijer on an early morning shopping trip.
The grocery store was VERY empty. This was our second store that morning to just grab a couple of things. EVERYONE knows the second grocery store is a breeding ground for possible tantrums! 😲 I’ve learned through my short experience in being Waylin’s mama that she genuinely enjoys being a helper. She likes responsibility and her independency (almost too much! ❤) So, I let Waylin push the cart in the store. It’s not child labor if she loves it, right?! 😂
I let her pick the things we needed off the shelves and put them in our cart. I would tell her what each item was and point to the one we need. If it was up high, she would signal to be picked up. She was an excellent listener, except when it came to only ONE bag of doughnies…🤣
After we checked out, I let Way push the cart back to the car. A woman walked up to us in the parking lot. I remembered seeing her in the store, and thought maybe we had left a bag or dropped something. She came closer and told me I was a really great mom. And before I could even finish saying “Thank you”, she smiled and walked towards her car. My eyes followed this kind soul and she was actually parked two whole rows away from us.
In my consciousness, we were just shopping. I didn’t think anyone was noticing anything more than that, because I certainly didn’t. This woman didn’t know me or the way that I constantly seek to be good enough for my daughter. Her compliment gave me validation of self and validation of ability. I pour so much of myself into being the best mom that her words wrapped themselves around my heart and squeezed me tight.
❤️ I always underestimate the power of a compliment from a stranger.