She loves what grows wild best.
In a sea of corn, she loves what grows wild best. 🌱
You know when you’ve got something on your mind and unless you’re going to speak on it out loud, you probably won’t put anything to action? 🙋🏼♀️
“Isn’t she so damn pretty?!”
I say this multiple times a day. Some days I’m sure that count is well over 20. 😂 I tell her she’s pretty every chance I get. She’s pretty amazing. She’s pretty cool. She’s pretty pretty.
In the same breath that I tell her those things, I’m also really unkind to myself. I don’t know when we flip that switch to be cruel to ourselves. I wish I knew when I started being my own “mean girl” so I could make sure Waylin never meets her own.
It’s been weighing heavy on my mind, because I realize how I speak to myself teaches her what is acceptable. I want her to always feel certain about who she is. And that doesn’t happen when I’m being unkind to myself.
My husband is pretty great at giving me compliments. Just smashed half of a Jack’s pizza when I WASN’T wearing stretchy pants? I’m still beautiful to him. Somehow I always find a way to turn a compliment into something negative. And that’s not okay.
So, for the sake of raising a girl with the confidence to love herself at all times, I need to do better. We’re halfway through 2019...But there’s always time to be kind. ❤️