If I Closed My Eyes, My Ears Would Tell Me That We Just Bought A Bus!
Written 6/11/2016
One thing is for sure, Benjamin has bought a LOT of cars throughout his life. I remember when he was in his early twenties and I asked him to make a list of all of the cars he has owned. At that point, his list took up a page and a half and he couldn't even remember all of them!
We have talked about buying a diesel for awhile. Within the last year, the idea of owning a camper has been a big topic at the "dinner table" (who am I foolin'? We eat at our coffee table, but it's a really cool table though! LOL). We find ourselves daydreaming about grabbing Vader and hitting the road. I'm more of a sleep-in-a-tent kind of girl, but Ben's allergies are too hard on him to join me. So, a camper is a compromise!
The sellers of the truck we purchased today were super nice people! Ben's new truck was missing the rear view mirror, so the sellers asked us if we wanted to follow them back to their home to grab it. They didn't give off any *serial killer vibes* so we went. We ended up getting a tour of their earth home, their farm, and their camper! After being inside their camper, I'm definitely SOLD on getting one!