Where the Trail Ends, Adventure Begins...
Written 7/16/2016
When Ben and I were in our "dating phase" and I was still involved with bodybuilding competitions, we would meet up at Lake of The Woods in Mahomet with our bicycles in our trucks. We would go ride the trails together for about an hour or so and then sit on a rock and talk about the future or we would bring stale bread to throw in the little pond by the red bridge.
I loved that time we spent together, because it was different and it still let me train for my competition. We would sit on the tailgate of our trucks to cool down. He would always say how he wishes I lived with him, but I was still in a lease by myself in a house in Urbana.
Saturday morning, we woke up later than usual. Just as I was getting ready to go shower and actually put on REAL clothes (outside of my pajamas lol), Ben said, "Get dressed! My parents are waiting for us to go eat!" We ended up riding the motorcycle to Paxton, Illinois to eat at Just Hamburgers. I have never been there before, but I've heard good things about the place.
The building is VERY deceiving! There is hardly ANY room in there, and I'm pretty sure I've never been that close to so many people in a long, long time! I'M TALKING SARDINES! Their burgers are like Steak 'n' Shake, so they are very thin. We ordered double cheeseburgers with fries and a water.
Ben HATES HATES HATES pickles. So, that makes me a very lucky girl, because I make him order sandwiches with pickles, just so I have EXTRA PICKLES! He is a good man, I tell ya! :) I think Ben's mom told us that the meat is processed in the same building, so it's really fresh. I liked the burger and fries, but I was definitely still hungry.
We rode back home, and Ben decided to get our bicycles out! They have been sitting out in the shop all year long, so we had to clean all of the dust, spiders, mold, etc off of them. Ben aired up the tires and we threw them in the back of his diesel truck. I think that is the first time I have actually rode in that truck. it's been a little bit of a lemon since he bought it.
I absolutely LOVED riding on the trails again! We didn't plan things out quite right, because our initial bike ride was all downhill. We stopped to swing on the swings at the park, and then headed back the way we came. The entire time we were dying, because it felt ALL uphill!
It was just a good day because we rode a motorcycle and then hoped on a bicycle...there's a world of difference between the two, but both are really fun! :)