Being Grateful Makes You Gorgeous!
I consider myself to be a pretty positive person. I 100% play the part of Ben's personal cheerleader as he is on the opposite side of the scale.
"Ready? 👏 Ok! 👏 B-E-N! B-E-N! You've got this! Yeah, Yeah. You've got this!" -- me encouraging Ben to click "Next Episode" on Netflix after 9 PM.
I'm currently reading a self helpy-ish book, which is completely out of my norm. I'm literally on Chapter 2, so I'm not here to stuff a bunch of #RachelHollis quotes down your throat...yet! 😂 2019 has shown that a renewed obsession with self-help culture has arrived. It's ok for us to admit that we don't "have it all figured out" and damnit, we're going to read about it! 🙌
While I don't know if I'll truly get *into* self-help books, I did start a grateful journal at the beginning of 2019. I'll admit, when I first heard about this type of journaling, I thought "what a bunch of💩 !" It feels so silly to write down things that you are grateful for. And wouldn't it just be a list filled with the same things over and over? I decided to give it a try, and it actually surprised me...
I found myself noting the little things.
The kinds of things that you wouldn't notice as you're juggling a clunky diaper bag, a purse, a toddler who needs their coat on, all while trying to get out the door to make it in time to be "acceptably late." 😆
For instance, in this picture, I noticed how cute her little toes are when they curl in like that. I also noticed the sock behind her that is a remnant from her "helping" with my laundry. And the cookie tray further back is a toy I gave her the night that I went to Bunco. I am grateful to have a job where I can afford to buy her toys and put clothes on her back (even if socks go missing ALL THE TIME!)
I read something in a blog once that really stuck with me. It said: “You can’t teach your children gratefulness if you don’t practice it yourself.” 💥 Whoa.
🐵 Monkey See. Monkey Do. 🐵
Please excuse me while I go take a look at the world and complete a grateful inventory of everything I love and put that into right back. 💨