
💍 | WIFEY.
⌨️ | BLOGGER. 

99% in Height, 100% in Beauty

99% in Height, 100% in Beauty

I wouldn’t say I worry about this often, but I sometimes fear how I will handle the topic of religion with Waylin when she’s old enough. I don’t really know what Ben’s stance on religion is, and he doesn’t understand mine. I don’t identify as anything. I’m not religious, but I’m not an atheist either. For me, what I think it boils down to is that I believe in vibes and I think people should live their life within a code that allows them to do the most good in the most circumstances.

I think part of that kind of way of life is appreciation of your canvas, your world, and the role that mother nature plays. Maybe this is not profound to some, but tonight, I witnessed a true merging of two different worlds. Sure, I’ve seen the moon out when the sun was just starting to crawl into bed. But tonight, the sky was trying to tell me something about slowing down and appreciating what things are in my life.

This gorgeous, peaceful sunset painted the sky the perfect cotton candy color scheme that the moon wanted to come play too. I took these photos one after another. All it took was looking in a different direction, and I think that’s kind of powerful. It’s hard to say who is responsible for this beauty, and if there’s really a “who.” All I know is that this kind of artistry should be recognized. 😍

Waylin hasn’t been the image of health (lol) for the past few months. She’s been battling sinuses and a bad cough. There’s not much that doctors can do, and I’ve been trying everything I can think of. While she isn’t 100%, I don’t want her to miss out on everything. Last night’s sunset/moon left us with a gorgeous day, and we had to get out of the house for a little bit to feel alive again.

I snapped this picture and I thought, “okay, I see you Baby Stevie.” ❤


Recently, MIL gifted Waylin this handmade scarf. It is so colorful and cozy! She instantly loved it and refused to take it off. Here we are a couple of days later at her 2-year old checkup where you are always asked to get your babes down to a diaper only. Hah! That wasn’t happening! 🤣 She refused to take it off and the same went with her cowboy boots. I mean, I guess she’s kinda still in a diaper! 🤷‍♀️

The doctor had a great laugh when he came in. He said he didn’t expect to see such a fashionable young lady in here (and we all know he wasn’t talking about me lol). The doctor went over her developmental progress with me and then announced her percentiles. I’m never one to get wrapped up in the percentiles and I try my best to not stress over milestones. Buuut, you should have seen my face when they said she was 99% for height! 😱

Maybe it’s the boots. Maybe it’s her tall dad. Either way, she’s going to be tall!


She may be 99% in height, but the math really goes:

100% in beauty ✔

100% in style ✔

100% in goofiness ✔

…and 100% the love of my life! ❤

Love at frost sight

Love at frost sight

There ain't no rust on this happiness bus

There ain't no rust on this happiness bus